I welcome you at Krishna Public School. Our School is an institution of Academic excellecnce and amongst one of the finest school of District Kanpur, Where we are imparting better education to children in India who all are a great human resource and the role of whom is critical for Development of Nation. To empower Youth is to empower Society of India.

In my view Education is not only about aquiring information but to build the power of human mind and spirit. We believe in providing our students an environment rich in academic knowledge and supportive for their extra curricular interests as well . In which our students continue to bring us levels at the University. Zonal and National levels year after year.

I feel proud to acknowledge the contribution of highly qualified dynamic and multi - talented faculty , Non - teaching Staff and my students for this. We continue to move ahead for producing and maintaining the best. We try to instill the values of mutual respect and trust in relationship that are foundation of real success.

                                                                                                                                          With all the best Wishes..........