Admission Details

Registration and Admission Process

Admission in Krishna Public School is available Offline /Online –

  1. 1. Admission is open to all irrespective of class creed and community.
  2. 2. Admission to P.G. is given to those children who have attained the age of 2.5 Year at the commencement of the academic year.
  3. 3. A child's name will be registered after providing date of birth certificate.
  4. 4. Registration fee and Admission fee is not refundable.
  5. 5. A child will have to qualify to be eligible for admission.
  6. 6. The admission of a child will mean a complete approval by parent/guardian to all the school rules.
  7. 7. A child can be accepted for admission only after providing transfer certificate countersigned by competent Education authority.
  8. 8. Security of Rs. 1000 will be taken at the time of admission. It will be refundable when leaving the school.

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